Tsis Txog Qhov Nkauj
Qhov nkaus txwv tshaj ntawm qhov nkauj hauv lawv daws, organic coconut oil, rau hauv natural exfoliants mus yuav tsum ua li cas lip care. Rau hauv powerful combination nyob rau hauv synergetic yog ua li cas repair thiab protect lip tissue ntawd hauv level cell. Qhov medium-chain fatty acids hauv coconut oil tsis muaj zoo li cas skin, noj intense moisture los yog ua li cas natural antimicrobial properties hom phiaj infection thiab promote healing ntawd hauv chapped los damaged lips. Scrub ntawd hauv natural formulation hom phiaj vitamin E, yog ua li cas powerful antioxidant, protecting lips ntawd hauv environmental damage thiab premature aging. Rau hauv careful blend ntawd hauv ingredients nyob rau hauv collagen production, helping ua li cas maintain lip fullness thiab elasticity los yog reduce the appearance of fine lines ntawd hauv mouth area.